The Exchange Business Centre
The Exchange campus is located on the north west corner of 86th Avenue and 202nd Street adjacent to the Carvolth Bus Loop, with a civic address 20161 - 86th Avenue.
The campus is located in the Carvolth Neighbourhood Plan less than two blocks from 200th Street and direct access to Highway 1. The Carvolth Neighbourhood Plan represents a vision and implementation framework for creating a transit oriented, walkable and highly urban place at this important gateway to the Township of Langley. The new neighbourhood is envisioned to have a high quality of design and a balance of jobs and housing and be a regional showcase for sustainable design. Since 2001, there have been several regionally significant upgrades to transit infrastructure impacting the Carvolth Plan area. These include dedicated bus lanes on Highway 1 and the regionally connected Carvolth Transit Exchange located within the Plan Area. This plan capitalizes on these significant transit investments and creates an integrated land use, transportation and urban design framework to support the planned future local and regional transit network and services, through compact, mixed use, and transit oriented development.
Other local and close by amenities include most financial institutions, restaurants including: S & L, Moxies, Browns Social House and the Oak and Thorne, Fast food including: Subway, Wendy’s and Tim Hortons, Coffee shops nearby include: Starbucks, Wired Monk and Tim Hortons, and Colossus Langley Cinema.
The neighborhood is well served with transportation links via the 200th Street corridor providing direct access to both East / West and North / South arterial routes, including access to the newly constructed Port Mann Bridge and Golden Ears Bridge